Monthly Archives: December 2017

Bill of Rights ratified over two centuries ago today

On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights, the first ten Amendments to the Constitution, was adopted after being ratified by three fourths of the states.  Support for a Bill of Rights gained momentum during the ratification process, with many Framers and state legislators arguing that the new Constitution needed to do more to guarantee certain freedoms for citizens.  Originally twelve Amendments were proposed, by the original first and second Amendments, which discussed numbers of Congressional Representatives and Representative and Senator pay, were not adopted at the time.

Watch our film, The Bill of Rights to learn about the fight behind this landmark founding document, and the rights it’s intended to protect.

Remembering Civil Rights Journalist Roy Reed

Roy Reed in An Independent Judiciary

Acclaimed Civil Rights reporter Roy Reed passed away this week at the age of 87.  Roy Reed was an award-winning author and journalist, covering many of the defining moments of the Civil Rights era, including the March on Selma.  Read more about Reed’s life and work here.

And see Roy Reed speak about the integration of Little Rock Central High School in our film An Independent Judiciary.